3 Alternative Energy Sources to Get You Ready for a Blackout

Can you think of a more important modern discovery than electricity?

Electricity has shaped life as we know it and paved the way for technological advances previously thought impossible, like space travel, advanced healthcare procedures, and the internet. It’s so ingrained in modern society that it’s pretty hard to imagine that people lived their lives without electricity only 200 years ago.

So what do you do when the power grids shut down…and never come back? Can you live as they did in the 1800s—with no electric lights, appliances, and communication devices?

Thankfully, you don’t have to. Thanks to said technological advances, we’ve found alternative sources of energy to supply us with electricity even when the conventional power sources go down. You can use these alternative energy sources to power your own home. These can also save you tons of money from electric bills and help you become self-sufficient in the long run.

Alternative Energy Sources at a Glance

alternative energy sources like solar will come in handy during an emergency

Energy sources that do not use coal or fossil fuels are referred to as alternative energy. These sources are usually renewable and produce less or no by-products at all. Because they don’t contribute to pollution, they’re also called clean or green energy.

There are many types of alternative energy sources out there, but not all of them are easily viable. Some require sophisticated equipment and manpower. In this article, we’ll look at the alternative energy sources you can harness on your own, with little equipment and manpower used. These are solar, hydro, and wind energy.

Solar Energy

When someone says “alternative energy source,” solar energy is usually the first that comes to mind. Due to its efficiency, a lot of people are counting on solar to replace coal in the near future. Recent times have also seen the cost of solar energy dip to an all-time low, making it more accessible than ever.

Solar energy is thermal or electric energy harnessed from the sun. Since radiant light and heat from the sun are available and renewable, many preppers are looking at solar as an appealing source of energy. It’s a great alternative energy option, especially if you’re planning to live off-grid or are simply looking to cut electric bill expenses.

Here are other benefits of solar power:

  • It doesn’t require any moving parts
  • It’s potentially unlimited
  • It doesn’t emit any harmful by-products
  • It involves a relatively simpler setup than other alternative energy sources

There are actually a lot of ways to turn solar energy into electricity, but the most common one is through the use of solar panels or photovoltaics.

How It Works

  • When the sun shines, photons hit the solar panels which generate direct current (DC) electricity
  • DC electricity is fed into a solar inverter that converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity
  • AC electricity goes through the main switchboard/ breaker box and is used to power your home or building
  • Excess energy is fed back into the grid

Things to Consider

  • Location – Solar power works best in areas that receive a lot of hours of sunshine. You should also consider the position of your solar panels since they’re unmovable. Are there things obstructing direct sunlight from hitting the panels? Do you have any roofing problems? You probably want to fix those before installing solar panels.
  • Cost – While solar power lowers your electric bills in the long run, installing the panels and inverters will cost you a lot of money upfront. You have to determine how much power you’ll need to keep your home running. You should also be able to calculate your “payback period” or the time it takes for your investment to return as savings.
  • Manpower – Will you hire technicians to install your solar-powered system? Or will you do it yourself?

Hydroelectric Energy

Water’s kinetic energy has been used to aid civilization for centuries. In ancient times, people used it for irrigation and milling.

But we’ve found a better use for it today: water and gravity have allowed us to generate clean and sustainable electricity.

Hydro is a great alternative energy source for preppers. When done right, it could supply you with clean, renewable energy 24/7 for the rest of your life. Like solar, hydro has no harmful by-products, and the water used to generate electricity can be reused. You can also use hydropower to supplement your solar energy reserves, especially during rainy seasons when sunlight is scarce.

One significant disadvantage of using hydro as an alternative energy source is that your water sources may run dry or freeze, depending on the season. A lot of people also think that hydro only works with large and sophisticated machines, as seen in hydroelectric power plants.

There’s actually more than one way to harness hydroelectric power. While dams and reservoirs are meant for large-scale commercial use, preppers can generate hydroelectric power using simple run-of-the-river systems or micro-hydropower. Micro-hydro systems can generate 5kW to 100 kW of electricity, which can already power a home or a small village.

How It Works

  • Kinetic energy from flowing water is used to turn turbines
  • Turbines transform kinetic energy into rotational energy
  • Generators turn rotational energy into electricity

Things to Consider

  • Location – Hydro is more dependent on location than solar. For hydro to work, you must be near a running water source, like a stream or river. How far is your water source from your home? Since power output also depends on the flow of water, you also have to consider other risks like drought or flooding in your area.
  • Equipment – Micro-hydro systems rely heavily on equipment like water lines, turbines, and inverters. There is an initial cost for equipment and the labor needed to set it all up. You will also need to set a budget for your equipment’s regular maintenance.
  • Local policies – In some areas, setting up your own hydroelectric system is prohibited by law. Check federal and state regulations before setting up your system.

Wind Power

Wind power is something most European countries have nearly perfected over the years. All of the trains in the Netherlands, for example, are operated by wind energy.

The wind industry has also been steadily growing on this side of the pond, employing about 88,000 Americans to date. But what if you’re a prepper looking to power a single home? Can you still harness wind energy on a smaller scale? It will cost you a bit more than solar and hydro, but let’s take a look and see how it works.

How It Works

  • Inflow of wind spins the turbines
  • Turbines spin the shafts located within the gear box
  • Gearbox powers the generator and creates electricity

Things to Consider

  • Location – Much like hydropower, wind energy greatly depends on your location as electricity produced will depend on the wind currents. You have to live in a relatively windy area with at least 10 mph wind speed or install your equipment at a higher elevation to get the best results.
  • Equipment – The energy you produce will depend on the efficiency of your turbines. These are pretty costly, with small wind generators ranging from $700 to $1200. These can produce around 50 – 200 watts, according to this source.
  • Manpower – Installation of larger turbines will need the help of technicians and require regular maintenance. Of course, you can always opt to assemble your own windmill generator at home.

Final Thoughts

Modern society relies on electricity so much that it’s pretty alarming to consider what will happen if the power grids go down permanently. What’s more alarming is that this event is very possible. Its aftermath? Debilitating.

Start looking into alternative energy sources that fit your location, consumption, and budget ASAP. Even if the dreaded SHTF scenario doesn’t come, these clean energy sources can greatly help the environment while helping you curb your current electric bill.

It’s like hitting birds with one stone. In the long run, solar, hydro, or wind will enable you to become self-sufficient.

Any tips about using an alternative energy source? Let us know in the comments below!

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One thought on “3 Alternative Energy Sources to Get You Ready for a Blackout

  1. i live in west virginia (not virginia…we are an entirely different state…lol)
    We dont get alot of sun here, and wind is not reliable. I was thinking,…why couldnt I put a large water tank on an elevated platform, and let the water gravity…stream from it …to a lower tank, which would then be pumped back up to the top tank…then repeat of course….Im really desperate for a reliable energy source….im headed to bed for the nite.its exhausting….I NEED HELP BADLY….thank you, Tammy

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